Salary?Salary range shown is either directly from the job description or estimated based on typical salaries for similar roles in this industry. This estimate aims to give a general idea of the expected compensation for the position.
$36432 - $57600
Job Description
We are looking for a Senior Python Developer to join our team.
What you need:
Experience with Python, especially Django
Knowladge of SQL databases
Experience with AWS Lambda, Node.js
Experience with testing methodologies (Jest, Cypress, or React Testing Library)
Polish & English skill
You will:
Work closely with the client and team to build & maintain web app for products for parents and children
Develop marketing department services
Work on new feature development, ongoing maintenance, and bug fixes to ensure platform stability
Manage and enhance three websites built on Wagtail CMS with an API in Next.js and a frontend in React & Next.js
Ensure seamless integration with the client's CRM, which also includes a Django-based wrapper